A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

Stolen painting found by tree
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I have also added a separate page to the blog for the Tower of Magic with a brief summary of all the rooms of the ToM in the one spot. The link is just below this and above the main body of the blog, or you can just click here.

Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Nine Days 'Til Christmas

Well, it isn't perfect - and I still HATE the "Entrance Hall" as it just looks AWFUL - but for now at least I am classing Madame Bellerose's house as finished. At some point in the future I will probably rip everything out of the hall and try again though. I've added light fittings, stair railings and all the other items that the house still needed last time I updated this blog. Everything has been taken out of the house and thoroughly dusted (it's amazing how fast dust and cat hair can build up) and the clear front of the house has been put in place to protect it. The photos of the finished house are on Flickr. There is still too much to do between now and Christmas. Throughout the year my mother always starts projects - from digging up the garden to redecorating the house - then never finishes them. Of course everything has to be "perfect" for Christmas, so everyone gets roped into finishing these projects, last weekend was re-laying the floor in the dining room. On top of that are the things that only get done once a year (on account of we're all too lazy) like polishing my Grandma's silver tea set which was in such a state it took me all afternoon. So on account of not having time to work on anything interesting, this will probably be the last post on this blog until after Christmas.

Friday, December 4, 2009

Madame Bellerose's - Week Fifteen

At this point there are far too many things on the list of things to be done before Christmas in the 1:1 scale world for me to have much time to work in the 1:12 scale world and so have more or less given up on my aim to have this house finished before Christmas. This week I managed to install the finials on the stair posts in the Lounge and Bedroom - and NOTHING else. I only got that much done because I gave up looking for something fancy/gothic and used plain round balls. I didn't have enough balls for the stairs from ground to middle floor as well, so that's still not done. I haven't even taken a photo of the 'finished' stairs yet! To finish the house I need to make and/or install: -Faux Lights (Lounge, Seance Room, Hall) -Stair Rails and Finials (Seance Room, Hall) -2-3 Large potted plants (Hall) -Elaborate Cat Bed (supposed to be the Bedroom, but no room left! Have to find somewhere to squeeze it in!) -Seat or side table (Hall) -Fix anything that looks wrong when everything else is in place! It really isn't a long list, maybe I can finish before Christmas after all?