A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

Arson suspect held in Massachusetts fire
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I have also added a separate page to the blog for the Tower of Magic with a brief summary of all the rooms of the ToM in the one spot. The link is just below this and above the main body of the blog, or you can just click here.


On this page you will find links various miniature sites i have found to be reliable and useful. The links are sorted under the following headings:

Dolls House Suppliers in Australia
International Dollshouse Suppliers
Miniature Printable Sites
Other Dollshouse Related Sites

You can click on any of the headings to be taken straight to that section, or just scroll down.

Dolls House Suppliers (Australia)

Below is a list of all the websites of Australian based dollshouse/miniature stores that I know of. If you are aware of any more, please let me know and I will add it to the list!

Please note this list is in no particular order.

http://www.adelaidesminiatures.com/  Sydney based mini artisan selling a small range of items including LED strip lights.
http://www.enchantingminis.com.au/  Selling mainly high quality furniture and accessories, Enchanting Minis currently have an introductory offer of free Aussie wide shipping.
    Into Minis    A NSW artisan selling handmade mini baskets

    Barehaven Miniature pottery   Hand thrown pots, cauldrons, butter churns, umbrella stands and other pottery items.
Everything Miniature High quality furniture
Just Wood Toys & DollshousesGood range, no online payment facility
The Dolls House A large store with good service and prompt postage
Victorian Doll Houses A good catalogue to browse, but no online ordering
Dollshouse Attic Small store, small range, but friendly and reliable
Miniature Magic Some of the best prices
Craftworks For houses/house kits only
Miniature World Maker Wargame scenics (etc), some products may be useful for 1/12 scale projects
Aussie Doll Houses House kits only. Good price. For a long time they seemed to think Tasmania was not part of Australia, but have thankfully corrected their phrasing
House and Doll These people only post once a week. Very annoying.
Create-A-Doll Good source of cheap dolls and accessories
HobbyCo Few pictures of items for sale makes it hard to know what you're buying
Stanbridges Few pictures of items for sale makes it hard to know what you're buying
Lara Copper Mini copper items made right here in Tassie!!
Lilliput Miniatures Gorgeous tudor items, but beware the price tags!
A Sheila's ShedA good range of basic smaller scale furniture
Lesley's Miniature For 1/12 knitting kits, supplies and Heidi Ott Dolls. For better prices, see her ebay store below
Lesley's Mini (ebay) For 1/12 knitting kits, supplies and Heidi Ott Dolls and accessories.
Cardstone (ebay)Best prices on wallpapers and light fittings you'll find in Oz
Fairy Meadow Just gorgeous items, enormas range, excellent service, a favourite haunt!
Rainbows & Dreams (ebay)Good variety, including DIY items
Dolls House DecorSmall store, small range but some unusual items
Tomb ThumbAnother good all-round miniatures store
Doll House Gallery Not an online store, but a desination for miniature enthusiasts in Victoria
Petite Dolls Some lovely half dolls, many of which could be adapted to live in a dollshouse
Christmas Everyday If you have lots of money and want the best, shop here
NZ Dollshouse Okay, strictly speaking they're not Aussie, but they have a good range and the currency conversion makes them very competitive.
     Kim's Minis    Another NZ based seller who offers a range of high quality and hand made items

Dollshouse Suppliers (Worldwide)

Again in no particular order, a list of some international dollshouse stores, all of which offer to ship/post to Australia.

SAR Miniatures UK A good range of a variety of miniatures
Dolls House Emporium UK One of the well known names in dollshouses
White Rose UK Good range, mainly furniture, good prices
Tiny World UK Mainly furniture and Accessories with plenty of 'nail art' canes
SP miniatures US Some slightly unusual miniatures can be found here
The Dolls House Store US A pretty mind-boggling list of catergories, never mind items
Maple Street UK They claim to be the biggest dollshouse shop. Be sure to view the catalogue to see their full range.

Miniature Printables

Free printables are invaluable, from book covers to rugs, from food to furniture

Miniature Printables A list of links to many printables sites
Jennifer's Printables A good selection of printables
Jim's Another quite comprehensive range of printables
TreeFeathers Some printables and links to other printables sites

Other Sites

Various other dollshouse related sites

VAME The Victorian Association of Miniature Enthusiasts
AMEA The Australian Miniature Enthusiasts Association
My Small Obsession A site with links to all kinds of miniature sites