A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

New study of obesity looks for larger test group
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I have also added a separate page to the blog for the Tower of Magic with a brief summary of all the rooms of the ToM in the one spot. The link is just below this and above the main body of the blog, or you can just click here.

Friday, February 19, 2016

The Workshop

The Workshop for the Tower of Magic is now finished.   There isn't anything particularly magical about it; in fact the clockwork gears under the table give it more of a steampunk feel than anything.  Still, I hope it will blend in well enough when it's put with the other rooms of the ToM.

In the back corner is an area for woodwork with a wall mounted rack for spare timber from which also hangs a range of tools.

Next to this is a painting station with a range of paints and brushes stored in a hanging shelf unit.

On the central table a broken orrery is being repaired.

The fire in the back corner is largely lost behind everything else in the room.

And my other current project, the 48th scale Woodnock Cottage, now has thatching on it's roof and is ready to have furniture added inside.  (And for an idea of scale, the blue surface you can see under the cottage is the top of the Workshop).


  1. Me gusta mucho la ambientación del taller,te ha quedado genial!!!!
    El tejado de paja de la nueva casa es fabuloso!!!!

  2. I can't believe the cottage is 1/4 scale!

  3. Hi Alennka! I really like what you have done with the workshop of the Tower of Magic! The fire in the back corner is perfect and the tools and materials lying around and stacked in corners is just right! It probably "feels" less like a workshop than a regular room because of the wallpaper! I never knew a "workshop" that had wallpaper, unless you count my Dining Room where the "workshop" has permanently taken over! LOL! Must be why I love the look of this room... it looks cozy and busy and Productive and Fun to be in!
    As for the 48th scale house, the thatching looks very good and I am eager to see what you do with the interior. My "Tree House" project (which I have not worked on in quite a while) is close to 1:48 scale and I loved working with the tiny tiny items!!! I must get back to that project!!!
    Keep up the wonderful work!

  4. I love all the details in your workshop. There's lots to see and clearly a lot of thought has gone into this.

    I think you're very brave tackling a 48th and am impressed with your thatching.
