A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:
The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:
Hospitals are sued by 7 foot doctorsPages
Friday, December 24, 2010
Christmas Gingerbread House
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Merry Christmas!
Merry Christmas to all my followers. However you celebrate I hope you have a wonderful time and keep safe through the holiday season. Ginny the cat is certainly enjoying herself by ensuring all the tinsel is properly flattened. Put anything that makes a rustling noise down in my house and it gets sat on, laid on and slept on! (And tie the tree to the wall or there will be a very loud crash!)
In miniature news for the week, the Inn is still plodding along very slowly. The roof still isn't quite right, but is probably going to stay as it as (at least for now). I've started to make a bed for the "high" bedroom and hopefully I will add a photo to my Flickr account over the next couple of days, so keep an eye on the Flickr thumbnails to the left for it to appear. I really need to pick up the speed on the Inn as this morning I broke down and ordered Cumberland Castle!!! I've put in an order through Fairy Meadow Miniatures' website, but included a message saying not to worry about posting it until next year. That will give me three kits to play with once the Inn is finished, so the Inn needs to get finished because I want to play! Thanks to everyone who commented on my last post - it is partly due to your lack of discouragement that I took the plunge and bought the kit. I know I am going to love it and will adapt my plans for the Tower of Magic to suit. Have I explained about the Tower of Magic yet? I know I've mentioned it before, but have I told you exactly what it is? Oh well, I'll add another post soon with more info about it for anyone whose been wondering what I've been rambling on about.
Thursday, December 16, 2010
At least I can be reasonably sure the castle won't sell out until after the 20th of January as FMM will be closed for Christmas from Saturday until then. That's a whole month to think about it . . . but what if the shop burns down over Christmas and they don't restock an C. Castles? Or what if they sell out before this Saturday? $600 is really too much to contemplate spending on top of the $400 I've only just forked out. Isn't it? It could be turned into the Tower of Magic, it would be a perfect Tower of Magic. Acutally, it would be two or three TofM's all joined together. The real magic involved would of course go in finding somewhere to put the finished castle.
When I bought the Retreat and Stratford B. I said how fortunate it was that they didn't have a Cumberland or I'd have bought that too. If I knew they were getting Cumberlands in stock, and so soon, I may have skipped the other two kits and just bought this one instead. Maybe if I complain about how unfair it is I'll get a discount on the Castle? Probably not.
What to do??? What to do???
Welcome New Followers!
Alienora blogs about her own dollshouses on her blog at http://alienora74.blogspot.com/
Anna Amnell is a Finnish author of historical novels and you'll find her blog here : http://amnellanna.blogspot.com/ Anna has also turned her hand to dollshouses, some apparently based around her novels. I first found some photos of her dollshouses about eighteen months ago and love what she did with her DHE Gateshouse kit. You can find some pictures of it on Flickr here : http://www.flickr.com/photos/amnellanna/sets/72157594290018836/ and here : http://www.flickr.com/photos/amnellanna/sets/72157594420412213/
Tuesday, December 14, 2010
Dancing Dragon Inn - Week Fourteen
Friday, December 10, 2010
Welcome Follower No. 63 and Links
I think (but can't swear to the fact) my newest follower is Karin Corbin, whose blog can be found here: http://karincorbin.blogspot.com/ Welcome Karin, I hope you enjoy following my blog. I have just signed up to follow yours and know I am going to love it!
I've also found a couple more websites to add to the Links page. All three new links can be found on the links page under Aussie Suppliers.
Wednesday, December 8, 2010
Dancing Dragon Inn - Week Thirteen
But I'm supposed to be talking about the progress on the Inn I've made this week. The good news is that I now have all the shingles/tiles on the roof. Next up I need to decide what colour they ought to be . . . a terracotta/clay tile colour . . . a grey slate colour . . . a faux wood look? I'll have to try a few different colours on some leftover tiles and see which looks best.
My number of followers has gone up to sixty-two, but 62 must be a private follower as I can't see their name/icon anywhere (or maybe it's in plain sight right in front of me and I just missed seeing it). Anyway, welcome to follower no. 62 whoever you are, I hope you don't get too bored or confused by my occasional ability to waffle on and on and my tenuous grasp of the English language (ain't a governement funded education great?).
Monday, December 6, 2010
I've Been Naughty . . .
Both kits are made in England by Dollshouse Emporium and I bought both from Fairy Meadow Miniatures in Sydney. Now DHE tends to stop making all the kits I like and FMM can only carry so much DHE stock and when they run out, they often don't get the same item back in stock again. So buying while they have the kits in Oz instead of waiting until I need a new project and discovering there are none in Oz and DHE have stopped making them is a must. At least that's how I justify this expensive Christmas present to myself. It's just lucky FMM don't have a Cumberland Castle kit while I'm in a mood to spend money or I really wouldn't have any left at all!
And a quick note to other Australians who'd like a new dollshouse this Christmas, take a look at ebay. There are some fantasic houses up for auction at the moment, but all pick up only from what to me are far-away places but might work for some of you. There is a F-A-B-U-L-O-U-S partly finished house made from (I think) a Greenleaf kit in the Sydney area and the bidding is currently at $71.00. Now that is a bargain!
Yipee . . . I won!! I won!!!
Linda is also the newest follower of this blog so I'd like not only to offer my thanks for her generosity in holding this lovely giveaway, but also to warmly welcome her to my blog.
I was planning on holding a giveaway of my own before Christmas, but it turns out Christmas is only three weeks away (that scare anyone else?) and I'm just not going to get organised enough to prepare the prize in time. The giveaway will be held sometime in January next year instead (I hope), so please keep an eye out for it in the new year.