A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

Include your children when baking cookies
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I have also added a separate page to the blog for the Tower of Magic with a brief summary of all the rooms of the ToM in the one spot. The link is just below this and above the main body of the blog, or you can just click here.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Something for Each Floor

What a week.  On Wednesday I received an email telling me I'd won a $100 gift voucher from Ecotanicals skin care.  On Thursday I received an email from a fellow miniaturist who's also a writer and preparing an article for Dolls House and Miniature Scene magazine's December issue asking if she could use some photos of my miniatures in her article (ahh, fame at last!).  So on Friday I bought a lottery ticket and in the draw on Saturday I won . . . . . . . . .  absolutely nothing!  I guess it's not true about luck coming in threes then.  Oh, well, it was worth the try though!

Keep an eye on the last page of DHMS magazine from now on as it will feature a monthly column by Erin Summers who is a very talented and enthusiastic miniaurist.  Not only does she have the exceptional dubious taste to want to include some of my miniatures, but in her own words: "I am BESOTTED with the concept of digging up and showing to the world treasures and talent that would otherwise just go unseen".  Sounds like there should be somthing interesting to read about each month.

 Back in the Georgian house I spent most of the week finishing off some UFOs (that's UnFinished Objects).  The most work went into finishing the Sedan chair for the Hall.  It needed filling, sanding, refilling, painting, upholstering and trimming as well as feet and poles making.

 To stay in keeping with the white, black, gold and green colour scheme in the hall, the sedan is painted white with gold accents.  Those accents are relief stickers and gold silk dupion curtains.  The poles that enable the chair to be carried slot into place through gold jewellery findings bent into  "u" shape.

The end result is massive and takes up all the cavernous space in the Hall and will fill it up even more by the time I add a passenger climbing out of the chair and a pair of attendants (drivers?) to carry the chair.  Now I'm very glad I didn't try to make the hall any smaller to squeeze in extra rooms.

In the bedroom I decided to do away with the gold chair, it just wasn't working.  Instead I renovated a cheap chaise I had lying around.  I painted it white to match the bed and upholstered it in a mushroom coloured fabric and added a bolster cushion and throw in the same puce silk used on the bed.

A pile of cushions were made for the bed.  All are reversable with puce on one side and mushroom on the other.  They still need arranging properly and perhaps will have some trim or tassels adding, but they do improve the look of the bed already.

 Down in the Laundry, I altered the press by lowering it and placing the crank on the side.  It now looks much better and no longer completely blocks the view of the washing copper.

And finally, the spinet harpsichord needed finishing.  It has been a great number of different colours lately, but none looked right.  I can't say I really like the grey it is now either, but I'm sick of repainting it and have run out of colours anyway, so grey it will stay (at least for now).  It was decorated with some floral decals to finish it off.  Ugly, huh?  Maybe I'll sit someone infront if it as though they were playing it which should obsure the whole thing quite well.

For now that's it for the furnishing of the house.  It probably will need more furniture, but I won't make it until I've added more accessories and a few people to see how it looks and what will look best.  Now it's pff to raid my box of accessories to see what I already have and what I will need to make or buy.


  1. Congrats on being included in DHMS Alennka!

  2. Congratulations!
    This house is fabulous. I like the bed.
    Kiss Faby

  3. I love that harpiscord, it's lovely :)


  4. The house is beautiful and I also like the harpsichord. :)The sedan chair is awesome, too. I am always inspired by a visit to your blog.

  5. Your house is looking great, I really like the sedan chair, I started making plans for one ages ago then never took it any further but you have inspired me to have another go.
