A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

Eye drops off shelf
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Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Beginning to Fill the Spaces

I've been back to work on the inside of the castle this week making furniture for the first three floors.  The dungeon is rather sparely furnished with nothing more than a single bench and some chains in the right end cell.  The guardroom in the centre has a table and a few rickety stools so the guards on duty can sit and maybe amuse themselves with a card game.

The left cell has become the torture chamber and houses this rather unconvincing rack made of balsa wood, metal gears, chain and jump rings.  I'm hoping to add an Iron Maiden as well, but this will have to wait until I pull out my polymer clay.

In the buttery alcove of the kitchen there are two shelf units holding barrels of wine or ale.  The barrels on the front shelf are from A Trifle Small in the UK, but due to a shortage of barrels, the back shelf holds pieces of balsa dowel the same size as the barrels.  Hopefully no one will notice.  Additional storage is in the form of a "Tudor Cupboard" from a kit by Petite Properties.

At the other end of the kitchen, work has begun on the ovens.  The black andirons in the fireplace in the back wall will support a spit for roasting meats while on the side wall is a bread oven and hotplate unit which still needs considerable work.

Up another level and the Great Hall has acquired some long tables and benches.  Two parallel tables fill the main floor area.  These are actually a little too wide for the space and either need to be cut to be narrower or I could just take one table away.

The head table in the raised section of the Great Hall has a pair of high backed chairs rather than simple bench seats.  In the alcove in the back wall is a slightly wonky court cupboard.  Creating this alcove and putting a shelf unit in it was a really great idea . . . in theory.  In practise it really looks pretty terrible.  There may end up being a really big tapestry hanging over this section of wall and covering up the entire alcove.

Coming around to the left side of the castle and the basement level now houses the Treasury and a well room.

The Treasury, or strong room, or vault (e.t.c.) houses the castle valuables.  These valuables are stored in wooden chests or fancy boxes and bottles made of beads.

Next door is the well room which ensures the castle a supply of fresh water.  The well is a piece of balsa dowel coated in polyfiller for a stone effect and capped with a wooden lid to prevent accidental dunkings.

The armoury - come - entry hall has the beginnings of some weapons racks and a couple of bench seats plus some slightly too tall suits of armour.

The Library is dominated by this dual sided sloped desk.  The ladder is a single piece of balsa with sections cut away to create a ladder.

The first three floors now have at least the skeletons of their furniture and I have now to address the top three floors.


  1. Que bonito se ve!!! Ya empieza a cobrar vida!!!

  2. Hi Alennka, your castle is really coming together. It looks superb, I particularly like the basement/cellar. I love the combination of rooms here too!
    All the best
