A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

Man struck by lightning faces battery charge
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I have also added a separate page to the blog for the Tower of Magic with a brief summary of all the rooms of the ToM in the one spot. The link is just below this and above the main body of the blog, or you can just click here.

Friday, February 15, 2013

200 Follower Giveaway!

200 wonderful people have chosen to follow my blog and to celebrate I'm holding a giveaway.  The prize is a gown on a mannequin.  The winner will be able to choose what era, style and colour of gown they want and I will make it to their specification (or as close as I can manage).  The mannequin is the same as those I used for the dresses for Pennicott's.

To enter the draw all you need to do is be a follower of this blog and leave a comment on this post before 28th February.  The winner will be drawn in early March. 

 As I am allowing the winner to choose what style of gown they would like made, I can't show you a photo of the prize itself just yet, but here are a few samples of gown's I've made in the past so you can see the standard the gown will have.


  1. Congratulations on reaching 200 followers, please count me in I am sure Mathilde would love a modern gown. I will post a link on my blog.

  2. Lovely giveaway. I'd love to win a Victorian style gown to go with the theme of my dollhouse. I'll put a link on my blog. IndyPoppy

  3. please count me in, have poped a link on my blog

  4. Very lovely give-away

    Please count me in


  5. Hi Alennka,
    Congratulations on your 200+ followers: I'm follower number 201!
    Please count me in your giveaway.


  6. I would love to enter your giveaway please! It would prob be a wedding dress for Quaysides bridal shop I would choose but looking a your pictures they are all gorgeous!!

  7. Congratulations! What beautiful dresses!! I'd love to take part in the giveaway! I put a link in my blog :)


  8. Congratulations on your 200+ followers!!
    Please, count me in your giveaway. I put the link on my blog.
    Bye Faby

  9. I would love to win one of your wonderful modern gowns xx

  10. Congratulations on 200+ followers. Please count me in your wonderful giveaway. I put the link on my sidebar.
    Hugs Maria

  11. Hi Alennka, Congratulations on your 200 followers! (and your ever increasing appearances in dolls house magazines. :-) )

    Can you count me in please and if I win, can it go to Paula's Quayside bridal shop. I think it would show to better advantage there than tucked into a chest or in the attic in my old cottage and I would enjoy admiring it in a suitable setting.

  12. Felicidades por tus 200 seguidores.Por favor cuenta conmigo, me encantaría participar. Gracias, un abrazo Ana (mucuy) acamarah.50qgmail.com

  13. Felicidades por esos 200 seguidores. Ya tienes una más. Me gustaría participar en tu sorteo. Te anuncio en mi blog. Muchas gracias. Un abrazo.

  14. Your gowns are amazing please include me in your lovely giveaway. Im also adding your giveaway on my side bar :)

  15. Un vestido hecho por ti!
    Es un nagnífico regalo
    Puedo participar por favor?
    Lo anuncio en mi blog.
    Un abrazo

  16. me apunto! y subo el enlace a mi blog...

  17. What lovely gowns! Please include me in your giveaway. I've added your giveaway to my blog. And congrats on your 200 followers!

  18. Hi Alennka!!!
    Congratulations on your 205 followers ;)
    Please count me in your giveaway! I put your link on my blog.
    I'd like the first dress! It's very beautiful!
    thanks for this opportunity
    Kisses from Italy

  19. Soy la seguidora número 206, me encanta tu blog. Si me lo permites me gustaría participar, el vestido de la segunda foto es el que más me gusta, aunque todos son preciosos.
    Te lo anuncio en mi blog ahora mismo.
    ¿Sabes que yo cuando llegue a los 600 seguidores también haré un sorteo?
    Besos y gracias por tu generosidad. Ahora a seguir sumando seguidores.

  20. Me encantaria participar.
    No te importaria que mi bruja Hagatha, luciese el ultimo vestido en negro y rojo para una fiesta a la que va a asisitir???????
    Subo el aviso a mi blog.
    besitos ascension

  21. Los vestidos son preciosos,me encantaria participar en el sorteo,besos

  22. Today I found your fantasic blog!! I´m a new follower now.
    Plese count me in your great giveaway. I´ll place a link on my sidebar.


  23. Tienes un blog precioso, me encantará participar en tu sorteo, el segundo vestido es precioso. Pongo el anuncio en mi blog :)

  24. ¡Me gustan tooooodos!!!! ¡Enhorabuena por los trabajos!!!
    Me encantaría participar en el sorteo. Será para mi un placer ponerlo en mi blog.
    Besos desde Canarias

  25. Que trajes más bonitos!!!me encanta el vestido dorado con volantes!!
    me gustaria participar en tu sorteo!! te anuncio en mi blog!!
    Besos de las Malu´s.

  26. Felicitaciones 200 seguidores, me parece que tus vestidos son una obra de arte, me gustaría poder participar en el sorteo si te parece bien. Te publico el enlace en mi blog.
    Un abrazo.
    Villa Pulgarcito.

  27. You have fantastic blog. I am here first time. Many hugs and congratulation for 200 followers. I would like to win this give away. Please count me in. Regards Kati

  28. Haces unos trabajos muy bonitos, me encantaría participar en tu sorteo, te publico en mi blog.

    Saludos. Mª Jesús

  29. Wonderful clothes! I am a new follower. Congratulations on over 200 followers! Please count me in your giveaway! I put your link on my blog. Hugs Marja-Leena

  30. Away for a bit and come back and found I almost missed this! Congrats on 200 followers! Danielle http://allthesmallthingsminiatures.tumblr.com/

  31. Love the dresses, I am a historic costume maker and building my very first dolls house. Plan on making miniatures of my costumes to display in my dolls house. If anyone following lives in Brisbane, I would love to meet other people interested in dolls houses, thank you for you blog, it gives me inspiration.

  32. Nog gefeliciteerd met je 200 volgers.Als het nog op tyd is wil ik graag meedoen.
    groetjes doortje

  33. Wow! you are amazing with dresses, hope im not to late to enter the giveaway! Hannah

  34. hola se q hoy es 2 pero me encantaria entrar en tu sorteo te dejo mi correo es liliam1961@hotmail.com gracias
