A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

Chef throws his heart into helping feed needy
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Tuesday, February 12, 2013

The First Shipment

The first shipment of stock has arrived at Pennicott's and owner Audrey has been busy stocking up the shelves.  In the above photo you can see the shelves behind the upstairs counter laden with a range of perfume bottles with lots of excess bottles temporarily stacked on the high counter.  These are all made from an assortment of beads with a few pre-bought "spray tops".  The long counter holds a few extra jewellery displays.

 The main jewellery dispay is on the shelf unit on the back wall.  The jewellery is made from a mix of beads, jewellery findings and rhinestones and is displayed on polymer clay busts or rectangles of balsa wood covered in velveteen.

The shoes on display are all made by Heidi Ott.  I will try to make some shoes of my own, but when they turn out to be completely horrid, these shoes will be my back up.

Downstairs, six mannequins have been dressed for display.  Now I just need to figure out how to fit them all in the shop!

This gown is plum gem studded chiffon over a beige satin underlay.  It has a fitted bodice and fish tail skirt with bow detail on the back.

This gown has a similar fish-tail style in yellow and cream.

The next gown has a fitted bodice and full circle skirt in ivory silk with a purple lace overlay.

 Certainly the most striking of the gowns is this one in red brocade and gold lamae.

Another full circle skirted gown in green velveteen.

The final gown is fully fitted with a rouched effect.

Being prepared for the next shipment of stock are some hats.  Audrey wasn't too impressed with these few samples and wants some styles more appropriate for the era.

The Apothecary wasn't totally forgotten this week.  "Coals" have been added under the hot plates, the cupboard on the back wall has been "painted" using a faux mini tapestry that was hanging about (pardon the pun) and I raided my supply of accessories for anything and everything that could suit the setting and discovered I still have a lot of things to make for this space.


  1. WOW! It really looks amazing! I hope all the stock will fit! gr.AM

  2. I love the dresses, this will be fantastic when you finish

  3. Oj, The gowns and everything are so elegant. This shop is amazing. Nice to see.

    Greetings from Lil in Sweden

  4. This is an elegant shop. I like the sresses.
    Bye Faby

  5. Your Gowns look Great Alennka! I think you have a real Flair for Fashion and do a Great job making the mini dresses!!! Your dress shop will have to look like a party about to happen... LOL... but I think they should all be displayed!!!

  6. The dresses are lovely and you have a great selection of jewellery. It's going to look lovely when get it all in place.

  7. I love the dresses they look so beautiful.


  8. the dresses are my favorite too!


  9. Thanks everyone for your kind comments about teh gowns. As soon as I get another follower I'm going to offer a handmade gown as the 200 follower giveaway prize.

  10. Wow! you're really talented. The dresses are lovely! Hannah
