A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

Killer sentenced to die for second time in 10 years
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Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Apothecary Catches Up

Having spent the past couple of weeks focused on Pennicott's, this week it I decided it was time to give the Apothecary some TLC.  The first thing the Apothecary needed was some equipment to work with, so out came the polymer clay to create a range of bottles, jugs, mortar and pestles, plates and some distilation equipment.  While I had the clay out, I also made a start on a few people to inhabbit both the Apothecary and Pennicott's.

Once the clay creations had been baked, many of them were embellished with some acrylic paint.  This was watered down slightly and then coated in high gloss varnish to give the effect of glazed pottery.  The clay creations were then positioned in the Apothecary along with some other ready made items.

On the shelves in the back wall there are some cheap book blocks and a row of wooden storage canisters on the top shelf.  The next three shelves down hold a mix of clay vessels, small metal bead "pots" and a few glass storage jars.  In the medieval period, glass would have been a luxury item, so I kept the amount of glass jars to a minimum.

 On the central table a brazier of hot coats heats sits under a distillation jug which is producing a green liquid slowly dripping into a glass demi-john.  In times of pestilence, the apothecary would have been called upon to treat the ill and his long nosed "Plague Doctor" outfit hangs on the wall at the foot of the stairs ready for use.

Above the table, the hanging rack has been filled with bunches of herbs hung up to dry.

The desk on the left wall as been filled with papers and books and a bowl of half eaten pies left over from lunch.

 Despite concentraiting on the Apothecary, I did make one piece for Pennicott's.  I finished one of the polymer clay dolls I made by painting his face, wigging him and dressing him in a suit I stripped off a cheap pre-bought doll I redressed some time ago.  I'm not to sure about the wasitcoat that came with the outfit, I think they had become a little passe for daily wear by the fifties, but otherwise the suit is about perfect which just goes to prove the wisdom of never throwing anything away.

 Kenneth as I call this fellow is sitting on the chaise in front of the downstairs window while he waits for his lady to finish her shopping.  They've made a few stops already as evidenced by the boxes and bags beside him.  These were made from free printables off the internet while his "Time" magazine was a cut-out from an old dolls house magazine.

 And here he is in situ in the shop:

 I know I'm biased, but I think both properties are shaping up very well and both are coming close to completion with each needing only people and a range of finishing touches adding.


  1. Two great projects! I love your work.
    Hugs, Drora

  2. Your creations are wonderful and very detailed.
    Bye Faby

  3. You've added lots of details to your Apothecary and I love the shape of the roof. Both projects are coming along really well.

  4. Unas escenas muy bonitas, llenas de muchos detalles y vida. En la escena de la cocina me encantan los ladrillos, estupendos. Un abrazo.

  5. Esto se va llenando y me encanta el aspecto!!! estoy deseando ver a todos esos personajes de pié!!!

  6. Cuantos detalles has añadido, me encanta la forma que esta cogiendo.
    Los dos proyectos van por buen camino.
    besitos ascension

  7. Fantasic projects!!!!
    You did fantastic job!!
