A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

Local high school drop outs cut in half
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Tuesday, February 5, 2013

The Final Furniture

This week I focused on getting all the remaining furniture and building decoration work done in both Pennicott's and the Apothecary so that I can now start making accessories like dresses for the mannequins without splashing wood stain on them.  I found a long, low shelf that I pulled out of the pre-renovation Dawncrest Castle to position behind the upstairs counter and built some new shelves from balsa wood to sit atop them and frame the window.  I don't really like the fact that the counter/shelf structure now has three different wood finishes in one area, but my excuse is that when A.L. Pennicott renovated, she started to run short of funds and has to reuse a few items that no longer quite matched the rest of the shop.  Hopefully by the time they're filled with stock you won't notice the mis-match.

The rails have been added around the top of the stairwell.  They're done with pre-bought plastic railing and balsa wood posts.  I can't add the angled railing on the stairs themselves just yet as I am one length of railing short.

 Most of the furniture I made this week was for the apothecary.  The big hole in the back wall has been filled with a simple shelf unit which will hold the apothecary's various ingredients and supplies.  Beside the shelves is a small pine cupboard.  The stairs leading up to the main building are more salvage from Dawncrest Castle.  On the left wall is a small desk and stool while in the middle of the floor are two trestle tables.  I'm having trouble getting the trestle at one end of the longer table to stand up properly so I'll replace it with one of the spares that belong to the third trestle table currently folded up in storage under the stairs.  The row of hotplates on the right wall have been covered by a large metal look hood.  The hood looks decidedly out of place at the moment; it's too new and shiny looking.  I wonder if it would be better if I covered it with more brick effect or perhaps some wooden planking?


  1. You have been very busy!
    I like the furniture of Pennicott.
    The apothecary looks great.
    Bye Faby

  2. C'est super sympa. Bon courage pour la réalisation des accessoires.

  3. I think the Apothecary's is looking very good! I think the range hood should stay metal... that would be most realistic... but perhaps it needs to be darkened from years of cooking smoke! As for the mis-matched furniture in the Dress Shop... perhaps they should all be painted black to unify them... made to look like lacquer finish! I look forward to seeing the dresses and accessories!!!

  4. You've been busy! I do like the railings at the top of the stair - that's a good idea.
