A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

Panda mating fails; Vetrinarian takes over
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Monday, February 18, 2013

More Stock

First off this week is a quick reminder; the 200 Follower Giveaway is open.  If you haven't entered the draw yet, you'll find the link on the sidebar at the right of screen.

Lots more stock has arrived at Pennicott's this week, so much in fact that I had to add a couple of extra shelves in the back corner to hold it all.

 The upstairs counter has been filled with display items.  Mostly the items in the counter are excess items from other areas, such as an extra jewellery display and extra perfume bottles.

The window at the far end of the counter displays a silk handbag and a tray of assorted perfume bottles.

 The high counter adjoining the main counter displays some underwear, more jewellery and if you look really hard a pair of black gloves.

 In the centre of the floor is a display of clutch purses topped off by my attempt at making a 50s style "UFO" hat.  The purses are rectangles of cardboard wrapped in fabric and decorated with trims and flat backed jewels.  Each is displayed on a stand made from a small square of balsa wood impaled by a piece of toothpick.

Okay . . . So I said I'd at least try to make my own shoes.  I lied.  I have never made a sucessful pair of shoes yet and I didn't think it was likely I'd be able to manage it this time either.  Besides, the weather was way too hot to make attempting highly frustrating tasks seem like a good idea.  On display in the shop are styleless plastic shoes made by Heidi Ott.

 After carefully prising the top shelf out of this display unit I added a display of undergarments and gloves.  The underwear is blue silk while the gloves are made of white felt cut freehand into glove like shapes and embelished with a couple of rhinestones.  The bottom shelf holds a range of fans.  These were from a printables website and simply printed out and glued onto stands.

 Beside (and ontop of) this unit is the store's range of hats.  For the most part these are displayed on more balsa and toothpick stands. 

Most of the hats are arranged on newly added shelves made of more balsa wood and some pre-bought laser cut brackets

  The hats themselves were made from either straw braid or felt.

 The top floor is now getting very crowded.  The blank bit of wall at the end of the counter has been filled with some ad posters from printable websites but I wonder if the space might look better if I put a faux door in there instead?

 There were some changes downstairs as well.  I made a new display platform for two gowns in the front window and a raised platform to hold a gown in the centre alcove at the back.

 A few framed images of era appropriate gowns have been added to the walls.  Over the stairs are two portraits of ladies from an earlier period.  These ladies are Eustacia and Hortense Pennicott, the sisters who founded the store as they were in their youth.  Their niece and current store owner Audrey decided to keep them around for good luck.

 All this progress on the shop has been at the Apothecary's expense with not one jot of forward movement there.  The next task I want to do for the Apothecary is to make a range of clay pots and storage jars and it has just been too hot to try working with clay.  Maybe I'll be able to go ahead with it this week.  After all, this is Tasmania, we don't get that much hot weather (I hope!).


  1. I like this elegant and well-stocked shop.
    Bye Faby

  2. Fantasic shop!! I love the dresses and the hats!

  3. La tienda te está quedando muy bien. Las miniaturas que estás colocando son maravillosas. Esos sombreros, esos zapatos, los vestidos... todo fabuloso. Un abrazo.

  4. Que maravilla de tienda.
    Los sombreros, los zapatos, los vestidos....estas haciendo un fantastico trabajo.
    besitos ascension

  5. Wow! All those "Supplies" make the Shop look Fantastic! It would be so much fun to go shopping there! I think the idea of a faux door at the back of the upstairs is a really good one... it would balance the shelves and might lead to an imaginary "storage" area. And I like the portraits of the former owners on the wall! It sounds so funny to hear of your hot weather... we are having More snow this weekend!!!
