A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

Lung cancer in women mushrooms
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I have also added a separate page to the blog for the Tower of Magic with a brief summary of all the rooms of the ToM in the one spot. The link is just below this and above the main body of the blog, or you can just click here.

Monday, November 23, 2015

Ten Boxes

All nine of the 48th scale room boxes are now complete.  In no particular order, the nine rooms are:

Room one is an Art Deco themed room.  This room features a fireplace and sofa and chair from kits by Petite Properties.  The side tables are metal beads/tubes with the top opening filled.

Room two is an Arabian themed room.  It has hanging filigree bead lanterns.

The 'palm' leaves started solid leaves.  I snipped parallel cuts into the leaves on both sides of the central wire to create palm like look.

Room three is a modern kitchen.  It has a central island with breakfast bar.

A simple table and chairs were made from balsa wood.

All the cupboards and cabinets are solid balsa wood with pieces of card glued in place to create the illusion of doors and drawers.  All the knobs are blobs of gold faux lead lighting outliner.

Room four is a Japanese themed room.

 The recessed shelves hold a bonsai made with brown wire and a little lichen moss.

Room five is a Victorian style hallway.  If you've been wondering why the post title is "Ten Boxes" but there are only nine rooms, it's because I joined two boxes together to create this double height room.

Mirco beads in red and black make the coals in the fireplace.

The bookshelves under the stairs swing open to reveal a hidden door.

Room six is not a room at all but an outdoor balcony overlooking a view of Santorini in Greece.

Beads have been used as pots and filled with colourful flowering plants.

The table is made from jewellery findings with a felt umbrella while the chairs are wire bent into a chair frame shape and planks of balsa wood attached as seats and backs.

Room seven is a conservatory or garden room, again with lots of flowering plants.

The central French doors are from a Petite Properties kit (leftover from Le Petit Palais) while the windows are balsa wood surrounds with faux leadlighting outliner drawn onto clear acetate to create the panes.

The plants are all lichen moss with flowersoft flowers in either bead or balsa wood pots.

Room eight you've seen before as it was the second room to be finished.  It's the Roman dining room.

Finally, room nine is another you've seen and the very first of these rooms to be made.  The Georgian bedroom was made largely with left overs from Le Petit Palais.


All nine rooms fit into this recessed frame unit which can hang on a wall.  Once all the rooms were in place I added a sheet of clear acetate over the front to protect the rooms from such dangers as dust and cats. 

Thursday, November 5, 2015

Finished Off

The 24th scale house is now finished.  Overall, the house has eight rooms over five floors.

On the top floor is the Lab where the resident doctor can conduct scientific tests.

The room is filled with reference texts and storage for various chemicals.

Next door to the Lab is the bathroom.  This room doesn't feel terribly plush; somehow it feels like a room you wouldn't want to linger in if it were a 'real' room.  I think I'm going to give up doing bathrooms for a while as they never seem to quite work.

And on the subject of rooms that don't work out quite right there is this 'masculine' bedroom.  The only thing about this room that looks right for a bloke's room is the furniture.  Everything else is entirely to floral and lacey for a man.  I could change the feel of this room quite easily by changing the wallpaper and bed coverings but I do quite like it as it is.  It's just too bad it's nothing like it was supposed to be . . . .

Next door to the bedroom is the hallway where the maid is busy with a red feather duster cleaning the stair rails.

Working in 24th scale, 12th scale tester Harry hasn't had much work to do lately.  He got tired of just sitting on the shelf and decided to try out the bed, but just couldn't get comfortable.

Down another floor is the sitting room which also doubles as a music room as evidenced by the cello and upright piano.

On the ground floor is the doctor's surgery (or consulting room, office, etc).

The doctor is busy with a patient . . .

While another patient waits in the hallway next door.

Then Harry interrupted the consultation to complain about the cramped accommodations.

Finally, on the ground floor is the kitchen.  Here the cook is busy making a pie for the evening meal.

Remember way, way back when I started the 24th scale house I also started on a couple of 48th scale roomboxes?  I had left the Roman dining room unfinished as it seemed silly to pull out the polymer clay just to make a few dished that could all sit on my thumbnail.  When I finally reached the stage of making clay goodies for the 24th scale house, I also made those last few additions for this room as well.  The central table is now filled with a selection of rather unconvincing foodstuffs.

And poor Harry still can't find a comfy spot to stretch out.  Unfortunately for Harry my next task is to create seven more rooms like this one to fill up the small display unit so that I can finally get it and all ten little boxes out from underfoot.