A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

Arson suspect held in Massachusetts fire
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I have also added a separate page to the blog for the Tower of Magic with a brief summary of all the rooms of the ToM in the one spot. The link is just below this and above the main body of the blog, or you can just click here.

Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Not Kit Furniture

Blogger's latest fault has hit.  In the Dashboard it is showing only one recent post from the various blogs I follow instead of a dozen or so and when I click "view more" nothing happens.  This makes it hard to keep up with new posts on everyone's blogs.  Has anyone else struck this problem?

Having run out of kits to make furniture, I decided to start my attempts to scratch build furniture in 48th scale by tackling the easiest things first - the beds.  In the pink attic bedroom, the printed bed head and foot were joined by a length of balsa wood covered in white and purple fabrics.  Small wooden beads act as feet.

 Across the hall in the nursery I copied the crib from this one by Bespaq.  Yeah, Bespaq did it better.  The crib is white EVA foam with plastic coated wire to form the bars.  The round crib itself is quite effective, it's the canopy that really isn't working at the moment.  I'll have to try a take three on this one (this is take two and you really don't want to know about take one).

But the most successful piece I've made so far is the canopied daybed for the yellow bedroom.  The bed itself is just a block of balsa wood covered in a piece of pink silk.  The ends of the block were covered with pieces of more EVA foam to create a head and foot for the bed.

The canopy is supported on four lengths of wire over which more pink silk was glued.  The domed top is cardboard cut and folded into shape and covered in more silk.  It is topped off with some pieces of pink and yellow feather.

Also for this room there is a chaise, made from a pattern and tutorial from the internet and reduced in size from 12th to 48th scale.  It is again EVA foam with silk covered card cushions and gold bead legs.

Another chaise has been made for the lilac salon.  This is another solid block of balsa wood hidden behind a skirt made from a strip of pre-pleated fabric.  This is topped with a cushion of silk covered cardboard.  The backrest is a gold finding.

Finally for this week is another chaise this time in the drawing room.  This is the simplest piece yet, just a strip of cardboard covered in fabric and bent at the ends to make 'arms' with gold beads for legs.  Scattered through the rooms you've probably noticed some white tables.  These are plastic chess pawns with circles of EVA foam on top to create a table.


  1. Hi Alennka,
    Yes, I have the same problem with blogger at the moment too. Your Palais, my, my, you have been so busy. The beds are ingenious, and each of the chaise suits their own surroundings, they are really lovely. I am soaking up all the tips and hope (someday) to tackle my PP Palais too. Your Palais is a little work of art. Keep the posts coming. Love it.
    All the best

  2. Issues here too but I seem to be back up and running again and able to catch up. Great work with your furniture - the lilac salon is especially lovely.
