A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

Arson suspect held in Massachusetts fire
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Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Getting Better . . . . ?

I'm still not entirely convinced that the best use for this room is the bedroom I envisaged, but I've kept working as though that's what it will be and I am starting to like it a little better.

Mostly, this is because I've moved the doors.  Instead of sitting flat on the back wall, they now sit diagonally across the back corners.  This means that the doors are further apart and don't crowd the bed between them as they would have done before.  The room could still stand to be at least a couple of inches wider but sadly these boxes only come in the one size.

Even if this room doesn't turn out to be the Sorceress' Chamber it was supposed to be, the bed will still need a room to live in somewhere and so will need auxiliary furniture to go with it.  So the first piece of satellite furniture is the dressing table.  It started out a standard cheap piece with a icky "mahogany" (i.e. bright red and nothing like natural wood) stain.  It was painted a shade of ivory and loaded with accessories.  In the centre of the table is a tray overloaded with a tangled mess of jewellery.  This is surrounded by crystal bead perfume jars, a polymer clay vase filled with dried flowers and a purchased brush set.

With such a grand looking bed, it didn't seem right to let the cat sleep on the bed, so I made a little canopied cat basket out of matching fabrics.

The final piece of furniture for the room with this chinoserie style cabinet.  It's another of those "I started it years ago but then decided not to use it and never finished it" pieces.  It's basically just a box made from balsa wood and wrapped in a print out of a chinoserie style scene.  The legs still need to be painted . . . gold?  or maybe black or ivory . . . .?

Put all these together (add the bench seat and washstand I forgot to mention earlier) and this is the result.  It's . . . OK, but I still don't really know if I like it.  It will look better when the bed has pillows/cushions and a headboard.

Perhaps the cabinet should be replaced by some kind of folding dressing screen?  As the bed is slightly left of centre to give enough width to accommodate the dressing table on the right, anything on the left wall has to be quite narrow.

And the washstand right next to the dressing table . . . wouldn't they look better opposite each other rather than next to each other?  But then what goes where the washstand is now?  So as always I'm sitting around rearranging furniture like crazy . . . until either I go crazy or I find what I actually like.  (You know which will come first don't you!)


  1. Beautiful room. I like the arrangement of the doors. The canopied cat basket is wonderful.

  2. I like it, with the doors off center it opens up the room a lot more, what will you do with the wash basin?


  3. what a great idea to move the doors, I do that put furniture and items in one place and then move them loads of times till I am happy, I love how it is now
