A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

New study of obesity looks for larger test group
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Thursday, September 11, 2014

Done Observing?

The celestial map/globe on the left wall of the Observatory has been transferred to a bigger table which I think makes the left wall look much tidier (despite the fact the table is covered with assorted junk).  With this one change I'm now calling the Observatory finished.

 I'm still not too happy with all the expanse of bare floor - it makes it too easy to notice how badly the seam is joined and how badly the vellum bubbled and buckled when damp things like paint and glue were applied to it.  A rug isn't practical under an open roof and anything thicker than a rug will just get in the way when the astronomer wants to swing his telescopes around.  So it's finished.  For now.  Or maybe . . . .

Anyway, while I procrastinate over the Observatory, I am still working on the 48th scale house I showed you way back when I started the Observatory.

OK, so not much has changed since then.  I have added faux doors to connect the rooms and give the impression of rooms behind the visible part of the house.  Originally, I wanted to put a staircase in the Hall to connect the two levels of the house, but I am toying with the idea of not having stairs and pretending they are in the "back" of the house.  As nothing in this house has co-operated with me yet (did I mention the internal walls were installed backwards?) I think doing stairs would just be asking for (more) trouble.

I've made up the furniture kits that I bought when I bought the house kit but still have a lot of furniture to make from scratch.

I do love the Petite Properties kits though and must confess one of the main reasons I bought this house along with Le Petit Palais was so that I could have an excuse to buy the little X frame chair kit.  Aren't they so cute?  And so tiny.  One of the chairs fits nicely in Harry's hand.

 Outside, I've covered the walls in a brick paper.  To make another confession I've used the paper because I don't think I could make bricks from clay or another way that are small enough for the house.  I now have to paint a large number of very small windows and other details and hopefully this little house will start looking less like a derelict.

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