A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

War dims hope for peace
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Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Christmas Slow Down

Many miniaturists seem to have the problem of the closer it gets to Christmas, the less time they have to work on dollshouses.  I am no exception to this and thus have little progress to share with you this week. 

I dug into my collection of furniture and played with various arrangements to decide what will go where.  Once happy with what I had I made a start adapting and painting some of the pieces I want to use, but so far have finished none of them.  I have drawn a few designs for the pieces I need to make, but have settled on none of them.

I found some brocade fabric in the shop and instantly knew what to do with it.  I cut out one of the medallion designs from the fabric and hung it on the wall as a wall hanging.  It hangs above one of the unfinished pieces of furniture.

I went into the local newsagents durring the week and spotted the current issue of "Victorian Dollshouse Collector" magazine.  It came with a floor rug and three vases.  This is one of the vases:

How could I resist.  It is perfect for the folly.  Another of the three vases and the rug will also work in the folly if I can find room for them.  I have to admit I've collected so many bits and pieces for the folly I doubt they will all be able to squeeze in!