A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

British left Waffles on Falkland Isles
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Tuesday, March 27, 2012

The Second Wizard

The doll I made a couple of weeks ago with the intention of making him into a wizardly companion for the Sorceress turned out looking decidedly un-wizardly  So this week I decided to have another go.

Hmmm . . . . Better than last time but I'm not entirely certain he's quite right either.

I don't really know why I'm worried about making a wizard to go into the cave, be barely fits in anyway there's so much already down there.  At this point I haven't decided whether to use him in the cave or save him for my next wizardly project.

Meanwhile the Grotto area is still annoying me.  It needed some sparkle, so I hung some crystal stars from the ceiling.  Unfortunately it still lacks focus.  It needs something tall and shimmery and raising the mermaid onto a pedestal doesn't cut it.  Is it too late to rip out the Grotto and start again?

In other parts of the cave, some new Gremlins have taken up residence and started causing trouble.  This pair was made by Nickycc.

Next door to the cave, the crypt is now more or less finished.  I took the ghost lady out, she was too dominating in the space.  A few accessories were added to the shelf, a few mice from the Old castle kitchen and a cat to chase them have found their way into the crypt too.

In the Hall, the guest's luggage has finally arrived.  The pile of trunks is stacked shoulder high and the servants can't quite figure out how they're going to get those boxes up the narrow spiral stairs of the castle.

 I have done a tad of re-organising in the Wardrobe.  The "stooll of ease" is now on the right wall under the window making room for some extra storage trunks on the left.

Overall, the castle is getting close to being finished.  I have a lot of little accessories to make, but nothing that will really change the way it looks now.

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