A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

Saftey experts say school bus passengers should be belted
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I have also added a separate page to the blog for the Tower of Magic with a brief summary of all the rooms of the ToM in the one spot. The link is just below this and above the main body of the blog, or you can just click here.

Monday, June 14, 2010

Dollshouse Daydreams' First Giveaway!

As those of you who read through all the comments on this blog know, I have promised to offer a giveaway this week. I am offering followers the chance to win a knole sofa like the one pictured below.
The sofa on offer is an identical copy of this one with the exception that I have not yet upholstered it. The winner of the sofa will be able to choose the fabric they would like. Below is a selection of patterned fabrics that could be chosen. In addition to the fabrics pictured I have a range of plain fabrics to choose from. I will negotiate this in more detail with the winner.
Knole sofa's have been around since the early 1600's and will look at home in any period dollshouse of this era or later. To enter the giveaway, simply sign up to follow this blog (if you aren't already) and leave a comment on this post. Entries will close on Saturday 19th June and the winner will be randomly selected and announced on Monday 21st.


  1. Oh I would love to win your beautiful sofa. I would put it in the upstairs reception area of the Petit Parterre, where customers relax while discussing there garden plans. It would be difficult to choose a fabric though, they are all so nice. Thank you for the opportunity to win!

  2. I would love the opportunity to win the Knole sofa. Your mini work is great. Thanks for sharing!

  3. I would love, love, love that sofa.

  4. I can't believe how fast you dressed all of those dolls! It takes me forever! They all look great! Even if you do say you took some short cuts! Too ad aout the legless ladies! LOL!! I love your Knole Sofa! Where do you find your great fabrics?

  5. Hi Heather,

    There is only one store in town that sells fabric, so all my fabrics pretty much come from there. They usually don't have what I'm actually looking for (take my many weeks looking for a fabric for the bed for example). When I go in I usually buy 10 or 20cms of three or four fabrics that might be useful and thus have amassed a reasonable collection that I go through whenever I want something.

    And I don't believe I dressed all those dolls either!

    Thanks to eveyone who has entered the competition so far and good luck!

  6. I am another one who would love to win the sofa. It might go to my, as yet unfinished, dollshouse, so I would need to think hard on the choice of fabric. Wish me luck ;-)
    BTW I admire your castle as well as your fast work. I am looking at blogs to much and don't do enough.....

  7. What wonderful sofa! I'll be very happy if I win this giveaway...
    Thanks Allenka for your kindness.

  8. I would be so happy to win this sofa, Alennka -- Knole sofas are my very favourite kind! Thank you so much for this generous offer!

  9. I´m a new follower. You have an interesting site!
    Sofa is a beautiful!

  10. just gorgeous!!! i have the perfect spot for it!!!! good blog...

  11. The sofa is so beautiful!! Please enter my name!! Thank you!

  12. It is the 19th here on the West Coast :)

  13. Hi Patty,

    I allowed a day between the competion closing and the draw to allow for differenves in time zones, so don't worry. I'm from Australia, so I'm at least ten hours ahead of most of my followers anyway.
