A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

Clinton wins on budget, but more lies ahead
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Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Ignore this post. It's pure rant and drivel.

Tomorrow is Launceston Cup Day and for some parts of Tasmania, that means it's partly a public holiday in parts of Tasmania.  Confused?  Try reading this:

All day – Municipal areas of Break O’Day, Dorset, George Town, Glamorgan-Spring Bay (north of and including Cranbrook), Launceston excluding Launceston City centre and suburbs specified in Item 2 of Part 2, Meander Valley excluding suburbs and townships specified in Item 2 of Part 2, Northern Midlands, Southern Midlands North of but not including Oatlands, West Tamar excluding townships specified in Item 2 Part 2.

From 11am – Launceston City centre and the following suburbs and townships: Alanvale, Blackstone Heights, East Launceston, Elphin, Franklin Village, Glen Dhu, Inveresk, Invermay, Killafaddy, Kings Meadows, Mayfield, Mowbray, Mowbray Heights, Newnham, Newstead, North Riverside, Norwood, Prospect, Prospect Vale, Punchbowl, Ravenswood, Riverside, Rocherlea, St Leonards, Sandhill, South Launceston, Summerhill, Trevallyn, Vermont, Waverley, West Launceston, West Riverside, Youngtown.
What is really odd about the holiday is that it is in honour of the Launceston Cup, so why does Launceston only get half a day while places farther away get the whole day?  Strike that.  Actaully what's really, truely and completely odd about the holiday is that it is in honour of a horse race?  I know it's Australia, but is a sports event really that important?  Why not a holiday for the football and cricket too then?

1 comment:

  1. Maybe places away need time to travel? Although following that logic, we in Qld should get a weeks public holiday!
