A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

Survivor of Siamese twins joins parents
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I have also added a separate page to the blog for the Tower of Magic with a brief summary of all the rooms of the ToM in the one spot. The link is just below this and above the main body of the blog, or you can just click here.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

The Drawing Room and the Inn

With past projects close to finished, I've made a start on the new two on my list.  First is the Regency era (ish) drawing room.  As with all my projects I'm not likely to worry too much over the historically acuracy of this one, but it should look Regency-ish to anyone not overly fussy.  Instead of leaving it a rectangle I have used card to create curves instead of angles in the back corners, essentially turning all three walls into one continuous one.  The roombox is the same size and shape as the Blue Room and like the Blue Room it will probably end up being too small for everything I want to put into it.  I have already done some shopping and found a greecian inspired fireplace from Jennifers of Walsall which should suit the Regency fad for all things ancient Greek.  Provided it doesn't get lost in the mail, I will hopefully see it sometime next week.  From Rainbows and Dreams on Ebay I have bought a Spinet Piano which I hope to repaint.  A drawing room will also need chairs, probably a side table or two, maybe a display case, a chaise (as was fashionable at the time) and this will pretty much fill up the space, hopefully leaving enough room to add a doll in Regency dress.

The second project on my list is the "Dancing Dragon Inn" which is what, for now, I am calling my Tudor style tavern and inn.  This will be at least four floors and be built entirely from scratch.  Is anyone but me scared by that statement?  So far all I have really done towards this is to draw and re-draw the plans.  I have a piece of MDF I intend to use as a base and the below photo shows the base with some lego blocks outlining walls and features of the lowest level of the Inn.  This level isn't actually part of the Inn but will house a shop or two, a stream and a street.  On top of this will be the tavern and kitchen of the inn.  The next two floors will be guest rooms of the inn.  The guest rooms will vary from the grand for the rich customers to the dingy for the very poor.


  1. My goodness your plans frighten me! I would definitely need a kit! You sound as if you know what you want though and that's half the battle!

  2. My plans frighten me too, but given it's hard to find kits the style I want in Australia, and that shipping them from the UK or US is terrifyingly expensive, building my own is really my only choice.

    No way do I ever know what I'm doing, I've just mastered the art of making things up as I go! And sometimes it works.

  3. My plans frighten me too, but given it's hard to find kits the style I want in Australia, and that shipping them from the UK or US is terrifyingly expensive, building my own is really my only choice.

    No way do I ever know what I'm doing, I've just mastered the art of making things up as I go! And sometimes it works.
