A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

War dims hope for peace
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I have also added a separate page to the blog for the Tower of Magic with a brief summary of all the rooms of the ToM in the one spot. The link is just below this and above the main body of the blog, or you can just click here.

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

The Pyramid - Week Two

Long ago I collected an assortment of Egyptian themed ornaments which have been boxed away for many years.  After a lot of searching, I finally found the box and discovered within it things I'd totally forgotten about.  Unfortunately all these treasures turned out to be too big to fit inside the Pyramid (including them in the Pyramid is of course why I'd pulled them out).  I did try positioning some of them in the Egyptian Hall I did in 1/12th scale some years ago.  This freed up the pair of small sphinxes from the Egyptian Hall for use in the Pyramid.  I also means that at some point in the future I have to do another Egyptian themed roombox so I can include the left over ornaments.

The main focus of work on the Pyramid this week was the decoration of the inside walls, however.  For the upper walls which angle in with the slope of the pyramid I cut three triangles of cardboard painted a dark midnight blue.  I used glass painting / faux leadlighting relief paint to create gold stars positioned in rows on the cardboard.  Once dry, the carboard panels were glued in place on the walls of the Pyramid.  For the lower walls I also cut pieces of thin card to the correct size and shape.  These were also decorated with faux leadlighting paints using patterns of Egyptian figures traced from books and downloaded from the internet.  For anyone reading this who's never tried it, try going to Google images and typing in "free glass pattern" or just "free pattern" and you will be amazed by how many patterns are out there for free.  The images were first outlined with relief paint and when this was dry they were "coloured-in" with faux leadlightng paint.  Again, the wall panels were glued in place when dry.

The walls still need some trim adding around the edges to tidy everything up.  Once that is done, it's on to the contents of the tomb!

Finally before I go, a warm welcome to new follower Minnie Kitchen.  You'll find her blog here.  As her name suggests she makes extremely appetising miniature food. 


  1. This is an amazing project. Love what you've done so far!

    Thanks for visiting my blog and helping with the "is it finished yet?" dilemma on my cottage. :)


  2. Hi Cia,

    Thanks for the praise! Your cottage is looking great and I'm sure whatever you decide about the outside will look superb.
