Very little time to spare again this week. This week the only alteration to the Blue Room was the addition of a bedspread. It is made from the same fabric as the valance, but with the reverse side showing giving it a completely different look. The bedspread is a single piece of fabric, essentially a rectangle but with three scallops cut out of each side. The side edges were trimmed with lace and a silver trim and finished off with some premade bows at the top of each scallop. The scallops at the foot of the bed are two separate pieces of fabric glued in place and finished the same way as the main bedspread.
I've added a skirting board around the room instead of the panelling I originally planned. Once the room is filled with furniture, the windows are added with floor length curtains, any panelling added would be almost invisible anyway, so why go to the trouble? I've decided to save the picture frames bought for the panelling in this room for the panelling in the Regency Room I have planned.
A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:
The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:
Drunk gets nine months in violin case
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I have also added a separate page to the blog for the Tower of Magic with a brief summary of all the rooms of the ToM in the one spot. The link is just below this and above the main body of the blog, or you can just click here.
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