Thanks so much Linda, I just love every piece. I hate to say this but despite the fact that they are gorgeous, I don't think I can use them in the Inn. They're just the wrong style for it, so rather sadly I'm going to have to store them away until next time. On the plus side I do have an idea for which they will be perfect, I just have to get around to doing it.
The two kits from Fairy Meadow Miniatures arrived early Monday morning. I should mention that I was wrong earlier when I said I'd bought DHE kits made in England. Boldly printed on the boxes was "Made in Thailand". Silly me assuming an English company would have it's products made in England. That makes them very well travelled houses - from Thailand to England to Sydney to Tasmania. I spent Monday evening eagerly opening up the boxes and ticking off the contents to make sure all the bits and pieces were there. I started with The Retreat and found all the bits were not only there, but easily identified.
The Stratford Bakery was another matter, despite the smaller parts being separated into bags marked bag 1, bag 2, etc, and the list of contents listing the contents bag by bag. The problem was that a lot of the pieces all look the same, some varying only very slightly from others. The most worrying part is that when all the contents were checked off as present, there were still half a dozen unidentified items out of bag two that bore no resemblance to anything in the diagrams. Are they extra pieces that shouldn't be there or are they necessary parts not listed in the contents? I guess I'll find out when I do a dry build. For now both kits have been squeezed into a cupboard until after Christmas when I will hopefully find the time to dry build them and take some measurements. Then they'll be going away again until after I finish the Inn. Maybe. I could probably make room to work on the Retreat along side the Inn, it's only small after all . . . . . . .
And to add a little bit of seasonal cheer, here's a photo of how my present wrapping and decorating is going. I'm quite pleased with the boxes. They were painted red, green and white and then had fabric pasted over them. The bows however are all wrong and at this rate are going to be replaced with dull shop bought bows.
Glad you liked the giveaway things :) another house is needed to put them in :D I'm resisting the urge to get anything from Fairymeadow Miniatures...well at least till after Christmas!!! lol....The roof is looking fabulous :D Linda x
ReplyDeleteThe color is looking nice, I like your brush streaks on the tiles.
ReplyDeleteAs to the wonky ridge cap, there is a secret to making ridge tiles and the secret is that the shape needed is not a rectangle, instead it is a trapezoid.
As a ridge tile lifts up over the under tile the change in geometry means it won't be wide enough at the forward edge to cover the tile below it. Always test with your actual material and your required spacing to see what the proper taper front to back for the ridge tile pattern needs to be.
Well, I am surprised that the kits are made in Thailand! I had imagined a little factory in the UK as well, or lots of artisans working in their sheds at least.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, I now know why none of my parcels are arriving - the postman is tied up in Tasmania delivering yours! Send him North soon please. :)
Your wrappings look great.
Hi Christine,
ReplyDeleteNo more packages 'til after Christmas, so the Postie is all yours!
Thanks for the tips. The shape of the ridge caps make sense when you think about it. I'll definately remember to make tapered caps next time.
Thanks for your compliment on the roof and thanks again for the giveaway!