A Randomly Selected Newspaper Headline:

The following is a randomly selected newspaper headline from many years ago:

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I have also added a separate page to the blog for the Tower of Magic with a brief summary of all the rooms of the ToM in the one spot. The link is just below this and above the main body of the blog, or you can just click here.

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Inner Sanc-Dumb

 First of all a quick reminder, the giveaway closes in less than a week.  If you are yet to enter but would like to, please click this link now!

 At some point in any project there comes a time when I am certain the only way to make it work is to rip it out, burn it all and start again.  This is how I'm feeling about the "inside" space or inner sanctum of the dig site.  It is truely, hideously wrong and just looking at it makes you want to cry.  All the problems are against the back wall where the lumpy columns are still lumpy and too short and they are topped off by a truely bizzare platform that is all just so ugly.

Sigh . . . .

Of course there was a time when I felt similarly about the Magician's Cave in Dawncrest but I kept working on it anyway and look how well that turned out in the end.  Still, I think this time 'round it's a case of ripping it out and trying again.

 I hate to waste the work that has already gone into the columns/platform structure, so have been playing around with some Egyptian accessories to see if I like it any better with more in the room than just the columns.  I don't.  I do however think that the statue of Anubis in glossy black and gold looks absolutely striking and is definately a keeper.  Anubis and both the smaller seated figures are polyresin ornaments I bought years ago from a $2 shop and repainted as did the three heads above the "door".

Have you spotted Martha peering around one of the columns?  Imagine her a few thousand years older and dressed in bandages and you have an idea of who will be peering around the column on a more permanent basis.  Whatever sort of column ends up there . . . .

Fortunately, the outside is progressing better.  Dan has been busy and dug up some artifacts.  He's started packing a stone ram's head into a crate to ship back to the museum and also managed to find a small sphinx and a bust of Nefertiti in perfect condition. Nefertiti?  I guess they must be digging at Armana.

Some supplies for the crew have started arriving too and been stowed away in the tent.  Does it matter that the archeologists are supposed to be in the 1920s and their biscut tins say "Coronation Biscuts"?  Oh well, they are at the back of the tent and you need really good eyesight to read the labels.

This last photo is proof that whatever mistakes I make on this project aren't my fault.  I'm constantly supervised and any errors are due to the supervisor falling asleep on the job!


  1. I like these original scenes.
    Bye Faby

  2. Hi, Nice post. Would you please consider adding a link to my website on your page. Please email me.


    Joel Houston

    1. Hello Joel,

      I'm guessing your website is about model cars? Although the hobbies of dollshouse miniatures and model cars aren't mutally exclusive I don't know that they have enough relevance to each other to make cross linking my blog and your website a worthwhile exercise. Further, (and I mean no offense by this) I have no idea who you are so I am not keen on sending you an email, thus revealing my email address which for all I know you could then pass on to every spammer out there. Perhaps if you gave me a little more information I might consider it.
