Welcome to the newest follower, Vanessa, who doesn't appear to have a blog of her own.

As you may have already guessed, most of my attention this week was on the new Witch Shop, but I still managed to do a few small things to the castle, mainly in the bedroom where I finally finished the walls. This was done with balsa wood sheets about 1.5mm thick. I used a round tipped stylus to score lines into the wood to create the effect of vertical planks or "shaker" style panelling. This was then given a wash of white paint, allowing the wood grain to show through in the hope it would look like limewashed wood. Sadly, in photos this looks pretty ordinary. You can barely see the panelling and the paint job just looks shoddy. It does look a great deal better with the naked eye, although I may add a heavier coat of paint. The furniture in the room is not necessarily the furniture that will be in there permanently, but it does give an idea of what the layout of the finished room will be.
Even though this is meant to be a post about the castle, here a a few shots of the W. Shop as it looks now:
Believe me, figuring out which bit of wooden trim goes where is an absolute bugger.
Alennka, I really love this building! It will be a perfect witch's shop!